Antibiotics and the Vagina

Antibiotics kill or inhibit the growth of infected bacteria.... Antibiotics can also kill healthy bacteria.... all at the same time.

Antibiotics are among the most prescribe medication in the world. Antibiotics can help with infections (treating and/or preventing) or antibiotics can also cause infections in some people.

Some people are allergic to antibiotics and some can even die if they are allergic to them.

People have become so numb to pill popping, they prefer to pop a quick pill then going the natural (sometimes) longer way.

I have heard many people say including myself when I was in my early twenties "oh, you just need antibiotics, no big deal".

No, it is a big deal there are other ways (healthier) but for many the "other" way takes too long.

Well now I prefer the "other" way the natural way; for myself and my children. 

It could be a matter of life and death when popping a pill that is suppose to help you.

I have seen in my own family as well people carrying zip-lock bags of medications and they seem to carry it around with such pride. 

Wanting someone to ask them about it... pulling out each bottle and proudly telling you what ailment it's used for.

Never mind the side effects of these medications which are often greater then the original issue.

Unfortunately, we are getting antibiotics everyday without even visiting the doctor's office.

The Meat Industry of farmers and ranchers have been injecting and feeding antibiotics to cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys as well as fish farmers for over thirty (30) years if not more.

This is to make them grow faster and bigger.

This practice trickles down the line to the dairy industry as well.

Have you ever wonder why all dairy products spoil so fast or have short lives.

Open a carton of milk and leave it in the refrigerator for three or four days, go back and smell it; it has a sour smell even though the carton expiration date has not expired.

I have also noticed that you cannot leave bread out on the shelf or in my case on a baker's rack, you must put it in the refrigerator or it will spoil with mold or a sour smell.

As a result of consistently eating antibiotic laced foods some antibiotics have become ineffective.

People have died due to antibiotic-resistant infections.

The overuse of antibiotics have created this harmful occurrence. Many people and food animals are becoming resistant to antibiotic treatments therefore scientists have to create and develop new, modified and stronger antibiotics.

These genetically modified antibiotics can be very dangerous.

A great majority if not all Americans have over-production/build-up of yeast (Candida albicans) throughout their body (mouth, throat, nose, ears, skin, digestive tract, intestines, vagina, etc.).

This is because eating so-called small amounts of antibiotic laced food is slowly killing the good/healthy bacteria that control yeast production in the body.

It's no wonder why some women develop chronic yeast infections after taking antibiotics.

Click here for more information on Antibiotics

How do antibiotics affect the vagina?

Antibiotics can cause yeast and reoccurring yeast infections. It will change the natural healthy flora of the vagina. The affects on the vagina can range from severe to mild depending on the women. 

Click here for more info on the Vagina and Antibiotics

First Modern Antibiotic

A very brief history of the first modern antibiotic... Penicillin.

The first modern antibiotic was mistakenly discovered by Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming on September 3rd, 1928.

He had notice fungus growing out and surrounding a petri dish from a stack of cultures he had put to the side a month earlier.

After testing he learned that the fungus produced a substance from the Penicillium genus.

He separated the fungus and realized that the fungus produced a liquid substance that killed several infectious bacteria.

He called the liquid "Mold Juice".

He finally gave mold juice a name in March 1929... he named it Penicillin after the liquid substance the fungus released.

Although penicillin help kill infectious bacteria many people are allergic to it, my father was.

Alexander Fleming did make it known that by using penicillin incorrectly will cause bacteria to develop antibiotic resistance.

Fleming along with Howard Florey and Ernest Boris Chain was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1945.

What is Antibiotic Resistance?

Through the misuse and abuse of prescribing antibiotics, Antibiotic Resistance has become a serious health concern.

Antibiotic resistance arises when the antibiotic looses its effectiveness to either kill or inhibit infectious bacteria.

Actually it is not the antibiotic that is resistant or really lost its effectiveness it is the infectious bacteria that has changed or mutated.

The infectious mutated bacteria grow stronger, multiply and replace all of the bacteria that were killed off.

As a result of the mutation the bacteria has become resistant to the antibiotic.

Click here for more information on Antibiotic Resistance

What is antibiotic Resistance Bacteria?

Antibiotic resistance bacteria (ARB) are infectious mutated bacteria that cannot be destroyed or inhibited by previous antibiotic used before the mutation to kill it.

Better known as "Superbug".

It is the abuse, misuse and overuse of antibiotics that has created ARB or the Superbug by doctors who over-prescribe, by patients who believe they need antibiotics for every health issue and by the food industry for feeding antibiotics to the food animals.

I do not believe you can fight ARB with more or stronger antibiotics that are synthetic. My belief is that it needs a natural approach.

The problem with this is that many industries would die-out, drastically change, make little money or all of the above.

So, it is up to you to make healthier decisions concerning your life and health.

Click here for more information on Antibiotic Resistance Bacteria

Antibiotic Category

Although there are many types of antibiotics they fall under two categories.

Antibiotics are categorize as either Bacteriostatic or Bactericidal.

Bacteriostatic antibiotics weakens and slows down the infectious bacteria from multiplying.

Bactericidal antibiotics kills the infectious bacteria.

Depending on the infection the doctor prescribe which category of antibiotic is best to use.


Bacteriostatic the bacteria-inhibiting antibiotic.

These types of antibiotics slow down the infectious bacteria from growing and multiplying.

It is not a bacterial killing antibiotic.

Although in high concentrations several bacteriostatic antibiotics can be bacteria killing (bactericidal).

Click here for more information on Bacteriostatic antibiotics


Bactericidal the bacteria-killing antibiotic.

These types of antibiotics kill all bacteria (infectious and healthy).

It is not a bacteria inhibit antibiotic.

As well some low concentration of bactericidal antibiotics can be bacteria inhibited (bacteriostatic).

Click here for more information on Bactericidal antibiotic

Antibiotic Spectrum

The Antibiotic spectrum is the range in which the antibiotic is able to reach (kill or inhibit) a bacteria.

Under the two categories of antibiotics (bacteriostatic and bactericidal) antibiotics also fall under two classifications.

Broad-spectrum antibiotics (BSA) able to kill or inhibit many types of bacteria. 

Narrow spectrum antibiotics (NSA) able to kill or inhibit specific bacteria.

Depending on the situation (emergency or not) doctors will prescribe either BSA or NSA.

Be on the look-out for doctors that always prescribe BSA's


Broad-spectrum antibiotics are antibiotics that can be used to treat a wide range of bacteria.

A BSA is best used in cases of emergencies.

When not an emergency people should insist on taking a culture (bacteria test) to pinpoint the type of infection.

When given a prescription of a BSA that is bactericidal you must understand that the antibiotic will kill ALL of the bacteria throughout your body (good and bad) leaving the body susceptible to fungal and other attacks.

A few types of BSA's:

Tetracyclines- Bacteriostatic antibiotic

Amoxicillin+- Bactericidal antibiotic

Quinolones (cipro)- Bactericidal antibiotic (new antibiotic)

Cephalosporins- Bactericidal antibiotic (new antibiotic)

Click here for more information on Broad-spectrum antibiotics


Narrow-spectrum antibiotic are antibiotics that are used to treat specific or narrow range types of bacteria.

I do not prescribe to any kind of antibiotics but if you are going to take antibiotics I would suggest that you use NSA's.

NSA's kill the target infection.

A few types of NSA's:

Penicillins G and V- Bactericidal antibiotic

Vancomycin- Bacteriostatic

Aztreonam-  Bacteriostatic

Macrolides- Bacteriostatic antibiotic

Click here for more information on Narrow-spectrum antibiotics

Bacterial and Viral infections

Bacteria are single cell microorganisms, a microorganism is a very tiny living organism/living thing or creature invisible to the human eye without the use of a microscope. They can survive without a host because they are living creatures and they can also live on non-living things such as toilet seats, faucet handles door knobs, keyboards, water and food. 

Viruses are tinier than bacteria, they are very tiny capsule-like microorganisms invisible to the human eye without a microscope. Unlike bacteria they are not single cell creatures, viruses are non-living matter/germs that are either genetically coded as DNA or RNA. The mutated cell then multiplies by hijacking themselves into host-cells and making copies of themselves. They cannot survive without a host-cell (plant, animal or human).

Click here for more information on  Bacterial and Viral infections

How Antibiotics Affect the Normal Flora

Normal Human Flora are a mixture of bacteria, fungi, archaea and protists that are valuable to the health of all humans. These microorganism or microbes are passed on to you during birthing and after and will remain with you throughout your life.

They (normal flora) are organism that do not typically cause infections because they are native to the specific area or location within or on the body.

Microorganism or microbes are everywhere on earth, in the earth, in the oceans, they are in the food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink, they are in you and on you. Microbes are single-cell organisms that are invisible to the human eye.

Human flora or microorganism or microbes are beneficial to humans. We as human benefit greatly from these normal flora they help with keeping the body balanced and also act as a protective shield against possible pathogens(microorganisms that can cause disease).

Click here for more information on Normal flora

Probiotics and Antibiotics

When we think of bacteria we instantly imagine "dirty or filthy" germs that can cause sickness or death but now we know there are "good or beneficial" bacteria that are in and on the world and in and on our bodies.

So, what are probiotics?

"Pro" equals for life and "biota" equals the bacteria residing in that particular area or region of the body.

Probiotics are

Click here for more information on benefit of taking probiotics while taking antibiotics

Natural Antibiotics

There are natural alternatives when it comes to antibiotics. Made from nature itself natural antibiotics are real and they work. Antibiotics have been over-prescribe for years. They were given for the common cold, the flu, chickenpox and measles before doctors and scientist realize that they were ineffective against viruses, fungus and parasite. However, the damage was done antibiotic-resistance bacteria grew creating the "superbug" and scientist had to create even more powerful antibiotics that are very damaging to the body and some so powerful it poison the person and can cause death.

Natural antibiotics like ginger root, turmeric, garlic, oregano oil, amongst many other roots, herbs, oils and certain foods have antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and antimicrobial in raw form; while others even have antiseptic properties. 

Click here for more information on Natural Antibiotics

Vaginal Health/ Antibiotics and the Vagina